Q: Will my eyelash extensions cause damage to my natural lashes?
A: There are many factors as to why eyelash extensions can cause damage to the natural lashes. The combination of extensions only applied by a licensed lash professional and good quality lash extensions should not cause damage to your natural lashes. Damage happens when: 1) The extension is glued to the actual lash line instead of at the base of the natural lash. 2) When the extension is attached to more than one natural lash, which causes stress to the natural lash leading to premature fallout and breakage. 3) Using too much adhesive can cause the natural lash to suffocate and become weak. If you have experienced any sort of lash damage, try using a lash serum to regain the health of your lashes.
Q: How can I tell if my extensions have been applied correctly?
A: Anytime you get your lashes done they should not hurt. This is usually caused by your lashes being stuck together from improper application. In fact, you shouldn’t even notice you are wearing them at all, other than how gorgeous they make your eyes look. You should be able to brush them easily from base to ends without any discomfort.
Q: Why do I need fills every 2-3 weeks?
A: Your lashes will naturally shed and regrow just like the hair on your head. The extension will grow out with the natural lash to where it becomes too long for the natural lash to support, making it harder to brush neatly into place. Also, its normal for the adhesive to wear down a bit where the extensions naturally fall out on their own. Keeping up with your fills keeps them looking full and fresh.